Monday, July 25, 2016

6 Months of Grief Project: Day 171

Picnic Giggles [original photo by Mark Rosenberg]

This is Day 171 of my #6MonthsOfGrief Project. To learn more about this practice, feel free to visit Day One, where I explain this project in more detail.

Yesterday, my friend Lianne put together a birthday picnic for me with a few of our friends from college. It was amazing to sit and watch these folks I have known for over 20 years, talking and playing with their quickly-growing-up kids and just being kind of amazed that so much time has passed and yet we are all still such good friends.

I laughed a lot and it felt so good to just be surrounded with love and let go of the worry and the fear and the anxiety and the sorrow for an afternoon. I am so grateful for the amazing love and support I have in my life.


I am very aware that this project can bring up a lot around yours or other's grief and loss, I will always follow every post with some online grief support resources that have helped me. Please feel free to let me know of online support that you have found healing in your grief, as well:

Living with Grief Resources:

And remember, I am sharing this project on a variety of platforms, including my InstagramTwitter, & Facebook feeds, as well as my Pinterest page on Grief. I use the hashtag #6MonthsOfGrief, so it can easily be found on any platform. Please share this project with anyone you think might need it.

Thank you, and see you tomorrow.

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