Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Be Your Own Beloved #26

Every day, I am taking a self-portrait in conjunction with Vivienne McMaster's Be Your Own Beloved e-course. Sometimes it takes me longer - like a month - but I'm dedicated to finishing this project!

Fat Lady Jumping for Joy!

In today's assignment Vivienne asked us to celebrate ourselves. One of the examples she used was to take a jumping photo, which I have always wanted to do, but was a bit scared and intimidated by the idea. Whenever I am this scared about something, I know I need to do it. My main fear stems from the same fear I had when my weightlifting coach asked me to jump rope for the first time. I'm a really big woman and as all people who carry around a lot of adipose tissue know, we jiggle and wiggle so jumping feels especially intense.

Of course now, I jump all the time at the gym - I jump rope, and I do Olympic Weightlifting, which involves hoisting heavy weights over my head while jumping. So why was I so afraid to just jump, while getting my photo taken? I'm not sure I have the answer to that question. My only thought, in this moment, is that it's a different kind of jumping than jumping rope or lifting weights. It's somehow, more intense. I was trying to jump really high and pick up my feet (the perspective in this photo doesn't quite show you how high I jumped!). I wanted to really levitate off the ground. I was reaching for the sky and really giving it my all. It felt powerful and scary and exposed and invigorating.

Close-Up with The Girls almost popping out to say hello!

My husband took lots of pictures of me jumping and this set of images (taken with the QuadCamera - MultiShot app) was the one I finally picked. I'm laughing in this one and having a really good time. Jumping is so invigorating! And it really helps me be in my body after a day of computer work. My body is still vibrating from all the jumping! I definitely think I'm going to jump like this on a more regular basis - just go outside and jump as HIGH as I can!

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