Wednesday, March 30, 2016

6 Months of Grief Project: Day 54


This is Day 54 of my #6MonthsOfGrief Project. To learn more about this practice, feel free to visit Day One, where I explain this project in more detail.

I'm gearing up for a big change in my life, so I'm trying to get all my big projects and last dregs of widow paperwork completed. This frenzy of activity combined with the anxiety and insomnia that comes with grief has made me completely exhausted. I think at this point, I may have some form of adrenal fatigue, and I have been trying to care for my body and get things back on track so I can be strong and awake and healthy as this next chapter of my life begins. 

My good friend has also been going through a series of surgeries for his cancer, and my worry for his health has taken its toll on my body and mind as well. He's got two surgeries completed, with just one more left to do and he's been recovering beautifully. He also surprised the doctors with having extra muscles in his neck that have not been seen in any anatomy book! I feel relieved that he's doing okay and I'm also realizing the toll that my worry about him has taken on me. 

I'm trying to be very gentle with myself, but that takes a level of self-love and self-care that has always been difficult for me at the best of times, let alone when I am in deep grief. So for now, I try to get extra rest and take care of my body, while still knocking things off my to-do list. It's a difficult balance and I'm doing my best.


I am very aware that this project can bring up a lot around yours or other's grief and loss, I will always follow every post with some online grief support resources that have helped me. Please feel free to let me know of online support that you have found healing in your grief, as well:

Living with Grief Resources:

And remember, I am sharing this project on a variety of platforms, including my Instagram, Twitter, & Facebook feeds, as well as my Pinterest page on Grief. I use the hashtag #6MonthsOfGrief, so it can easily be found on any platform. Please share this project with anyone you think might need it.

Thank you, and see you tomorrow.

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